A nice warm rock for the end of summer |
My Friends, this last week found us looking to one last fling before returning back to school. We didn't have a fling, but we did have some fun with family and friends. So, enjoy the last of our summer.
SCHOOL: This week Cecelia and I spent time off and on trying to prepare for our classes. On Monday, Cecelia went to her classroom to begin the process of unpacking, and I met with my friend Bob Collins to discuss my new E.A.S.T. ( Environmental And Spacial Technology) class. Wednesday, Cecelia had to officially report for meetings at her school. I was then submitted to the same agony on Thursday. I know, I can tease about having to be back at school, but we were both greeted warmly and spent a bit of time presenting to our respective staffs about what we learned while teaching in China. The thing that we both emphasized was that we believe that we work with some of the best teachers in the world and wanted to encourage them to keep doing what they do, because they make a big difference in kids' lives everyday.
The rest of the weekend was spent getting bulletin boards and other items up in our new classrooms so that we could feel at home. We were both looking to the beginning of the new school year.
The last of summer Freedom!!!!!!!! |
ADVENTURES: As well as getting prepared for school, we did have some fun. My brother Mark and his daughter Morgan were in town for a visit. On Sunday, we had a leisurely morning and then
One last plunge!! |
took them to Willow Creek and the Toilet Bowl. This is one of our favorite places to go on a hot day. We had a great time rock hopping and then swimming in the Toilet Bowl to cool off. I have included a couple of pictures to show you the Toilet Bowl. It is better seen than described. One thing that I would like to note is that the water level is so low, you cannot see the swirling action that it normally has in it. Usually there is a small waterfall that flows into the bowl and creates a swirling motion just like a toilet. I have always wanted to ask someone that might know, "If the Toilet Bowl were in the Southern Hemisphere, would it swirl the opposite direction?" Hmmm. We then finished off the evening with dinner at our new favorite restaurant, The South Gate Brewing Company. Monday after the meeting I mentioned earlier, I returned home and picked Mark and the girls up and we headed out to the golf course. Mark, Claire and I played almost 9 holes.
On top of Fresno Dome with our new friends Travis and Johnny from China |
Taylor joined us for a couple of holes and Morgan hit some chip shots. All in all, we had an enjoyable time with the kids out on the golf course. I had to leave a little early to meet a few of the girls from my golf team. While I met with them, Cecelia arrived and took Morgan and Taylor to the pool. Claire and Mark continued a very competitive round together then joined the girls. When I finished my meeting, I went and got Mark out of the pool and he and I went to finish our round of golf. It turned out to be a beautiful evening and we enjoyed the time spent together.
Uncle Mark and the girls |
There are beautiful places in the world, but sometimes in the late evening when the sun is setting at our golf course and the fairways and greens are dappled with the golden glow of the sunset, I am not sure there is a more peaceful place.
Tuesday morning, we got up and met some new Chinese friends. Their names are Travis and Johnny. Travis is from the upper Mongolian region of China and Johnny lives in Shanghai. They are a couple of boys that are staying here and attending our high school this year. I had volunteered to introduce them to our surrounding mountain area and took them on a hike to the top of Fresno Dome. So after packing a lunch for Mark, the girls and I, we headed up to the mountain.
Is there a giant statue at the top???? |
It took us about 45 minutes to get there. When we arrived, we were pleased to discover that we were the only people hiking at that time. It was a pleasant hike for everyone and not overly taxing for the boys. They kept commenting that they had never been in mountains so high. When we arrived at the top of Fresno Dome, they were amazed by the view. Johnny exclaimed that it was "Spectacular!!!" We stayed on top for about half an hour and then made our way down. When we returned to town, we bought them yogurt. Both boys were tired, but very appreciative for the experience.
Later that evening when Cecelia arrived home, it was time for me to say goodbye to Mark and Morgan. I had to leave for a special treat that my good friend Fred Clevenger had arranged for me to share the next day in San Francisco. So I departed with a kiss from my wife and girls and headed to Sacramento to spend the evening with my brother Paul and his wife Shannon. I made it to their home in time to have some awesome white bean Chili, Bree Bread, and Beer. It was an outstanding way to end an incredible day.
So Wednesday I woke up very early and headed for San Francisco to meet my friend Fred. I was picking him up near Fisherman's Wharf and then heading to The Olympic Club to play golf. Fred had been invited to play the club while I was away in China and was told that he could bring a friend. I of course was that friend. I can't tell you how grateful and excited I was to be playing the golf course that held the U.S. Open a few years ago. I just wanted to have a great experience and play well. I achieved both. The company was outstanding and I only shot two over par. I couldn't have asked for a better day. After our golf experience, I dropped Fred off in the city and then I headed for home. I couldn't stay the night, because I had to be ready to be at school first thing in the morning for meetings.
The rest of the week I described in the SCHOOL section, but I did want to tell you a proud father story.
Great form kid!!! |
Lining it up for Birdie |
On the weekend, Claire played in her first two day, 18 hole tournament. It was held at our golf course and there were kids from all over Central California competing. Claire played in the first flight which is designated for kids that have higher handicaps. She had said she wanted to play and we talked with her about not having any expectations. While in China, she did not get very many opportunities to play and so we wanted her to do her best, but focus on having fun. She did just that and surpassed her own expectations. She also gave us a glimpse of how talented she could be as a golfer. On the front nine of her first round she started playing very relaxed and began hitting shots that we had not ever seen her hit. When the front nine was done, she had shot a score of 41. This was an incredible score considering she was playing with two high school players, one of which is arguably the best player in the Central Valley at this age. She was only behind that girl by two strokes and she was actually ahead of the other player. Unfortunately, she got tired in the heat and finished with a 50 on the back to complete a round of 91. This is outstanding, since she had never broke the score of 100.
Tay preparing for next time. |
The next day she didn't play quite as well, but was very tired from walking the 18 holes in the heat the previous day. Even though she was tired, she broke 100 again and shot 98. By the way, she shot the 98 while playing with two high school sophomores and actually finished the tournament ahead of one of them. We were so proud of her and she was genuinely excited and pleased with herself.
I must tell you, it truly is a miracle and gift from God to have the opportunity to watch your kids grow and mature in front of your eyes. I feel blessed to have these experiences and to be given the awareness to appreciate the moments as well. I know many of you that are parents have experienced these feelings, but it is truly an amazing feeling that cannot be replaced by anything.
Next week will be the beginning of the end of The O's Odyssey to China. The first week will focus on comparing the first week of school and education to that in China. The final week will be a compilation of things that we saw and pictures that I did not have a chance to share in other blogs. See you next week.
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